Pilgrimage to Gothic France

The visions of David Lee Echelard, Singing and Playing the Hurdy Gurdy with his original videos and Images from a Pilgrimage to Gothic France. Images of Medieval Ecclesiastical Arts from Reims, Beauvais, Amiens, Rouen, Bourges, La Puy en Velay, Chartres, Notre Dame de Paris, and other French Cathederals.


Film and singing of all parts By David Lee Echelard. Composer Mary Jane Leach. A vision of the River town Architecture in Winona Minnesota through the eyes of David Lee Echelard.

Promenade En Vielle - Film, hurdy gurdy and singing by David Lee Echelard

The Hurdy Gurdy as an Objet d'art. A dream sequence of a promenade of a variety of hurdy gurdies played by Friends at the Over the Water Hurdy Gurdy Festival in Washington State USA. Other images are filmed around my boathouse in Winona Minnesota on the Mississippi River.

Je Par Le Fleuve - Film and vocals by David Lee Echelard - Composer Valliant fl.1360

Je Par Le Fleuve (By the River) All Parts sung by David Lee Echelard Composition- "Par maintes fois" Composer -Valliant fl.1360 Filmed in Winona Minnesota, USA - Many good times @ our boathouse on the Mississippi RIver.